Friday, 6 April 2012

Troubleshoot Grid Infrastructure Startup Issues

1) Clusterware Start up sequence:

In a nutshell, the operating system starts ohasd, ohasd starts agents to start up daemons (gipcd, mdnsd, gpnpd, ctssd, ocssd, crsd, evmd asm etc), and crsd starts agents that start user resources (database, SCAN, listener etc).

2)Cluster status

To find out cluster and daemon status:
$GRID_HOME/bin/crsctl check crs
CRS-4638: Oracle High Availability Services is online
CRS-4537: Cluster Ready Services is online
CRS-4529: Cluster Synchronization Services is online
CRS-4533: Event Manager is online

$GRID_HOME/bin/crsctl stat res -t -init
3) To start an offline daemon - if ora.crsd is OFFLINE:

$GRID_HOME/bin/crsctl start res ora.crsd -init

4) OHASD does not start

As ohasd.bin is responsible to start up all other cluserware processes directly or indirectly, it needs to start up properly for the rest of the stack to come up. If ohasd.bin is not up, when checking it's status, CRS-4639 (Could not contact Oracle High Availability Services) will be reported; and if ohasd.bin is already up, CRS-4640 will be reported if another start up attempt is made; if it fails to start, the following will be reported:

CRS-4124: Oracle High Availability Services startup failed.
CRS-4000: Command Start failed, or completed with errors.

Automatic ohasd.bin start up depends on the following:

a) OS is at appropriate run level:

OS need to be at specified run level before CRS will try to start up.

To find out at which run level the clusterware needs to come up:

cat /etc/inittab|grep init.ohasd
h1:35:respawn:/etc/init.d/init.ohasd run >/dev/null 2>&1 </dev/null

Above example shows CRS suppose to run at run level 3 and 5; please note depend on platform, CRS comes up at different run level.

To find out current run level:

who -r

b)"init.ohasd run" is up

On Linux/UNIX, as "init.ohasd run" is configured in /etc/inittab, process init (pid 1, /sbin/init on Linux, Solaris and hp-ux, /usr/sbin/init on AIX) will start and respawn "init.ohasd run" if it fails. Without "init.ohasd run" up and running, ohasd.bin will not start:

ps -ef|grep init.ohasd|grep -v grep
root      2279     1  0 18:14 ?        00:00:00 /bin/sh /etc/init.d/init.ohasd run

If any rc Snncommand script (located in rcn.d, example S98gcstartup) stuck, init process may not start "/etc/init.d/init.ohasd run"; please engage OS vendor to find out why relevant Snncommand script stuck.

c)Cluserware auto start is enabled - its enabled by default

By default CRS is enabled for auto start upon node reboot, to enable:

$GRID_HOME/bin/crsctl enable crs

To verify whether its currently enabled or not:

cat $SCRBASE/$HOSTNAME/root/ohasdstr

SCRBASE is /etc/oracle/scls_scr on Linux and AIX, /var/opt/oracle/scls_scr on hp-ux and Solaris

Note: NEVER EDIT THE FILE MANUALLY, use "crsctl enable/disable crs" command instead.

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